Friday, April 15, 2011

Exzotic Cars Edmonton

Conociendo el Paramotor en Cuba

For the first time in Havana, the local club riders we paragliding paramotor flight. Here is the story. Day
sea breezes and total absence of meteo wind, we left with the idea of \u200b\u200bflying in Canasí. On the way to Luisito Carlos told me he went out to El Fraile and try to fly the paramotor just ended. Knowing that I was alone I wish I did not try anything until we reached us so that we could lend a hand. We arrived and there spotted Friar Luis inflated by practices, not the engine. As we saw under sail and prepared to test the new toy.
First attempt: We extended the sail, Luisito help catch the -engine harness to the back and start it called I'll leave him alone, he did so without any problem. The wind was not strong but the breeze was constant and could reach 15 km / h. Inflated skating a little candle on the ground without grass, kept control of the sail a few moments, stood facing the wind starting the takeoff but failed finally.
Second attempt: Moved to inflate it a little candle on the grass and trying to keep from slipping back Luisito. Increased soft at first but then accelerated from the pilot and front folding. Cut the engine, some suspension lines tangled in the blade, but luckily it was not spinning and it was not in shock.
Third attempt: Inflation perfect, the pilot controls the glider. Turn into the wind, the engine accelerates and the race begins. It was not easy to take off, had to do with the machine thoroughly. After the ascent was constant until maybe about 70 m. He made a couple of passes over our heads and landed visibly moved. It worked!
Then came the turn of Carlos. First load the engine, turn it on, feel the hardness of the accelerator and off. Carlos inflated the wing with the engine off, was making practices to control the sail until he felt comfortable and I started the engine Luisito. Could not take off on the first try but the second went into the air. Uphill all the time and direction of the slope, the approach to it is noted the effect of the rising mountain slope but do not think she liked it and sped out of there. Came to land and was as happy as a child with a new toy.
My turn.
Mamboo Nova was too big for me, I did not dare to try the Omega paramotor with 4 and then decided to take the sail of Charles (Nova Mentor) going up to 110 kg. Great for me too, but with the weight of the motor maybe coming to a minimum anyway, and the wind was zero.
helped me get the engine in the back, did the tests with the accelerator and put it out. Then inflation practices with this new weight in the back, nothing too complicated. The accelerator mind a bit in the hand but is a matter of adapting. When I felt confident with the glider inflated Luisito asked you boot. So did it but at the time there was no wind and the sail stop for a moment lost pressure and had to shut down and abort. In my attempt segunto, Luisito started the engine while I walked with the candle blown and braking. With the engine running I tried to put it right over my head and then sped up. I felt off right away and I settled into the chair very soon. Maintain control of the controls, the direction and acceleration of the engine while I was not trivial is the first time. So at first accelerated and deliberately slowed down when I focused on one thing or the other. I was too light, I did not accelerate the engine thoroughly and stayed tight throughout the flight. I came to the landing, turned off the engine and everything perfect.
We do not think it changed for free flight, but I would repeat the experience. For us it is something totally new, just beginning to experiment with powered flight. This is much more expensive and would not have been possible without the efforts of Victor (Vitorazi), Diego Rene, Luisito, Daniel, Melania and many more, all of them thank you very much!


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