Sunday, March 14, 2010

Can I Use A Hi8 Adapter

Cuarto Encuentro Amistoso (EA).

Del 19/03/2010 to 03/21/2010

dress up Hotelito Santiago Sports Cuba and the brand-flight zone Boniato Sierra, where EA will take place as expected. This time, with the technical organization of the event by the Wings Club of Bayamo and logistics for the Flight Club Santiago is the fourth edition of this fun competition among friends. Stop having crucial performance of the sails for the skills of the pilots to decide the winners. Instead of the usual stress on goal with beacons and flight of the classic cross comps, this will rise in estimated flight time, throwing accuracy and inflated career. Riders of all go to Cuba for the awards, which once again is the flight material has graciously Chris managed to collect Arnu in Europe.
Will this also, when meeting old friends from the air and a chance to fly in a warmer place for people like me are wont to do on the beach side. Almost always 'March + santiago + paraglider flight = good' and to the spirits we left there on the first flight on the 18th.


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