Sunday, May 16, 2010

Kate's Playground Zipset 18

Zona de vuelos. El Radar, Pilon, Granma.

One of the best flying areas in Cuba.
The launch of "The Radar" is located in the elevation known as El Mamey, near the southern town of Pilon in the eastern province of Granma. The site owes its named after weather radar located at the top of the mountain, season ranked among the largest in Cuba and the Caribbean with a range of approximately 450 km.
The geography of the place and maybe the dryness of the land to windward, make this a site with excellent conditions for cross country flight. The takeoff is located about 500 m above sea level and away from the coast about 4 km. At the top you can get on wheels and do not necessarily have to be 4, the path to the radar, though very steep, is in fair condition.
addition to its own thermal activity of the afternoon the area * no * major complications that can declare not suitable for inexperienced riders, it can also be the most peaceful place to flights taking off after 17.00 h.
is here this year is called the "National Paragliding Championships, Pilon 2010" from 18 to 25 July.

Here some pics of one of my flights in the area.

Friday, April 30, 2010

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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Rashes On The Outer Thighs

Mal tiempo en la Liga Occidental

we could only fly on Thursday 22, after the strong wind that SE has not left us do much, just for beach and surf kite Pons had no better idea to bring your kite and board. The day flew
try to make a sleeve with Start Point in the Presidio Modelo and 6 beacons to leeward, on the city of Nueva Gerona, but a strong investment to 500 meters are not allowed to leave due W to more than that. Most landed in the town Delio Chacón, to windward. Raúl Rodríguez (Mac To Intox-Villa Clara) left for setting the mark Gerona Stadium, Ramses (Niviuk Icepeak-Island) and Charles 93 (Windtech Silex-Island) landed in El Palmar unmarked and mark any Alexei (Flying Planet Whisper- Island) was the largest made to a record height of 600-odd and acting as beacons and Goal 2, a punishment that did not have various to confirm the height and camera for pictures of the marks. The manga was not valid. We hope that Monday morning to at least fly.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Motivation Letter To Get A Loan For Studies

Zona de vuelos. María Rodríguez, Villa Clara.

This area is located in the province of Villa Clara, 35 km from the city of Santa Clara. You can access four wheels to the base of the mountain climbs but walking off. The ramp, not very wide, is located a mere 100 m level over the wide plain that dominates the south of this long range (7 km).. The shape and slope performance make this point more than enough to start. So far it has taken off from the south and is an area of \u200b\u200bproven success in cross flights. The roof used to be always above 1500 m and up to 2500. To the north lies a valley that runs very well and fly over more than 800 m is almost a passport to come flying at Santa Clara (although you can not fly over the city), or follow the line of national highway in search of kilometers .
Here some pics.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sample Message For 2nd Anniversary

Liga Occidental de Parapente. Isla de la Juventud-Cuba

From 04/22/2010 to 26/04/2010 will have in the known flight area of \u200b\u200bthe Isle of Youth's Western League Paragliding.
pilots with the participation of guests from all clubs in the country and foreigners who want to join us this fight will take place from which the drivers will come in next July will compete in the National Paragliding Championships (Pilon 2010) . The veteran of Delta Wing in Cuba, Camilo Perez Naranjo, Air Sports Club of the Isle of Youth, will head the organization of the event as Technical Director. The intention is long at least three races where the tests will be primarily run on goal with beacons. Be validated using cheap cameras and gps those who have.
Accommodations will be in the camping "Arenas Negras" Bibijagua Beach.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Inside The Car, Part And Name

Fotos Canasí

Monday, March 29, 2010

Creative Ct6840 Driver Vista

Volando en Canasí


On 27/03 sharing with friends in the area Canasí flights. This is an area located 65 km east of Havana on the northern coast. With the launch at a height of 90 meters, this area usually fly with the sea breeze in summer and northerly winds (cold fronts) in winter. The place, with marine and coastal landscape, offers a unique view and flights of pure pleasure. This time
share with friend Chris Arnu, who despite some strong wind and the NE off in the morning and afternoon, flying no less than four hours.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Jeans Giving You A Wedgir

Resultados del Encuentro Amistoso

The 18/03 in the morning we made entry into the Hotelito Deportivo, all happy to meet again, greetings, hugs and left for takeoff. It was the best day, was a day for recognition of the area and all fly for free. March in Santiago
not disappoint us, puts it could not be better in these four days from 18 to 21.
On day 19 we did the test launch of accuracy that captivated everyone. It was a small launch Stocks / sand from a height of not less than 20 meters to hit a target 10 meters in diameter. The experience of this event showed that the target must be at least 20 meters, only 3 drivers were white.
Day 20. Proof: Inflated Race in the morning and time estimate on the afternoon flight.

Under the Terry Fox in the city of Santiago, at 9:00 am, we are in the esplanade of the Plaza to make our company an attractive addition to the public. Running with the candle blown 100 meters was not easy for everyone. Less time: 31 segudos.
At 12:00 pm a bus carried us to the flight area, which would make the third and last race. Coming off the wind to see a bit hard to take off but just as we did in the first hour we were off by 5:00 pm. Recently they did take off with strong wind and making ears to land before the closing time of the manga.
leave the results here. INDIVIDUAL RESULTS


4th Meeting Place Name, Club Points 1 Alexander
Chavez, 278 Guise
2 Alexey Espinosa, 264 Guise
3 Raúl Castro, Santiago de Cuba 258 4 Yorleydis
Terrero, Guantánamo
218 5 Javier Escalona, \u200b\u200bSantiago de Cuba 198
6 Gerardo Ramos, Bayamo
7 Ruberlexis Delgado 186, 182 Guantanamo
8 Luis García, Habana 164
9 Antonio Santana, Las Tunas 146 Eternod
10 Claudio, Villa Clara 144
11 Ricardo Munoz Camagüey
120 12 David Bays, Havana 119
13 Alexander Smith, Habana 14 109
Malconys Savon, Sagua de Tánamo 108
15 Pedro Pablo Abreu, Minas Harlem
107 16 Carlos Pons, Havana 17 106 Alden
Bauta, Holguín
96 18 Danichel Soler, Minas Harlem
19 Daniil Sergueevich 93, Santiago de Cuba 91 20 Jonlier
Campos, Sagua de Tánamo
88 21 Leonardo Escalona, \u200b\u200bSantiago de Cuba 84 Guillermo Argentieris
22, Las Tunas 82
23 Fernando Pardo, Bayamo
68 24 Juan Miguel Garcia, Villa Clara 60 25
Aramis Garcia, Camagüey 52
26 Yuris Barzaga, Holguín 48


4th Meeting Place Club 542 Points STEW


5 254 228 LAS TUNAS
6 VILLA CLARA 228 204 200 MINES
7 8 sago TANAMO

9 CAMAGÜEY 172 196 10 HOLGUIN 144

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sample Welcome Greetings


Ya son diez las empresas que han iniciado la vendimia de variedades blancas:

El resto espera that the grapes reach their optimum maturity to proceed to harvest. TOURISM

In terms of tourism, the following wineries are now open for visitors:
  • Bisquertt
  • MontGras
See available programs and make your reservations:
Ruta del Vino Colchagua Valley
Plaza de Armas 298, Santa Cruz
Phone: +56 72 823 199

Monday, March 15, 2010

Can You Take 5 Htp And Avanza Together

COLCHAGUA Effects of the earthquake in the tourist Introduction Infrastructure Wine Route of Colchagua Valley

The Wine Route of Colchagua Valley expresses its deepest sympathy to all those who have suffered the consequences of the earthquake and tsunami recorded on 27 February, which affected much of central and southern Spain .
After eight days since the earthquake occurred, we now have a clearer picture of the damage caused in the tourism infrastructure in the Colchagua Valley.
In this regard, we report the following:

1. Road connectivity.
The quake caused damage to roadways Colchagua Valley have already been repaired. Although temporary repairs that require circular carefully, the roads are passable.

2. Electricity.
The electricity has been restored in most of the Valley. However, there are still areas that, for the extent of the damage, do not have this service. Those in this situation also have difficulty communicating.

3. Tourism infrastructure.
are several wineries that were damaged in its tourism infrastructure. However, with every passing day, it was determined that the magnitude of them is less than that initially appreciated.

4. Wineries open to visitors.
wineries at this time (March 8) are open to tourism are:

a) Viña Lapostolle
b) Viña Hacienda Araucano
c) Vine Girls
d) Viña Santa Helena
e) Viña Casa Silva (As of Thursday, 10 March)

5. Status of other wineries:
a) Viña Bisquertt: moved its travel services to the guest house where stone. Open over the next few days.
b) Viña Viu Manent: start to operate around during the second week of April.
c) Vine Mountains, hoping to restart its tourism operations during the month of April.
d) Caliterra: reopen in mid-April.
e) Viña Estampa: reopen in mid-April.

is likely that tourism programs that each vineyard has suffered some changes, in response to repair work being carried out in the respective warehouses. However, we can ensure that service quality is the same level that has characterized the Colchagua Wine Route.
Finally, we acknowledge the concern, commitment and solidarity that we have expressed our customers. Their unconditional support motivates us to work more tenacity to provide the best service. VELASCO Fanore

Colchagua Wine Route

Sunday, March 14, 2010

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Cuarto Encuentro Amistoso (EA).

Del 19/03/2010 to 03/21/2010

dress up Hotelito Santiago Sports Cuba and the brand-flight zone Boniato Sierra, where EA will take place as expected. This time, with the technical organization of the event by the Wings Club of Bayamo and logistics for the Flight Club Santiago is the fourth edition of this fun competition among friends. Stop having crucial performance of the sails for the skills of the pilots to decide the winners. Instead of the usual stress on goal with beacons and flight of the classic cross comps, this will rise in estimated flight time, throwing accuracy and inflated career. Riders of all go to Cuba for the awards, which once again is the flight material has graciously Chris managed to collect Arnu in Europe.
Will this also, when meeting old friends from the air and a chance to fly in a warmer place for people like me are wont to do on the beach side. Almost always 'March + santiago + paraglider flight = good' and to the spirits we left there on the first flight on the 18th.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Katesplaygrounde Stream


Viñas Association of SA and Colchagua Valley Wine Route of Colchagua, makes this concern and sympathy for the effects of the earthquake and tsunami that occurred on Saturday February 27 in the south central region of our country.

regard to the consequences of it on the wine industry and tourism in the Colchagua Valley, we have seen losses that affect the volume of wine stores and manufacturing infrastructure and tourism of the Vines Partners.

Colchagua Valley has been characterized through its history by the tenacity of its people and the entrepreneurial spirit of those who have made today is considered a leader in the wine industry and a pioneer in the development of tourism around wine. It is this spirit that we can guarantee that in the short term both the production and tourist area is functioning normally. In fact, we have concluded that since most of the vines are receiving the new harvest, bottling their wines and reorganizing projects on tourism, so as to ensure the excellence that has always characterized it.

We stress, in a very special commitment and affection shown by those working in the vines, care, order, solidarity and culture, are the pillars upon which rests the spirit Colchagua and the wine is rooted in our land.

Specifically, we estimated a loss of wine in stock (bulk and bottled) in the Valley as a whole, approximately 25,000,000 gallons, or 20% of the total loss of the country. We believe that this loss does not preclude compliance with the commitments. (Or is it specific or estimated)

In terms of infrastructure, the vines were damaged in their warehouses, but these will not affect crop development and production of wine bottles. To the extent that 100% regularize electricity supply, operations in fields such as irrigation, will return to normal. Transportation, but not expedient, is operational.

In summary, although the earthquake has disrupted the normal functioning of the industry, we take it as a new challenge, and we are confident that thanks to the drive and effort demonstrated by the vineyards of Colchagua and its people, in the short term not only Vineyard operations are to be restored in full, but tourism will flourish in our Valley.

Mario Pablo Silva
-Viñas de Colchagua Valley Wine Route of Colchagua

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Words For Funeral Flowers From Company

SA is the leading Chilean wine route

Prazer & Co. stands to
Colchagua Valley Read more

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Scholarship "Sommeliers Bisquertt " aims to contribute to the incorporation of new talent into the industry.
Viña Bisquertt created a scholarship of excellence for tertiary students from the School of Sommeliers of Chile, to encourage and reward the student who stands out for its academic conditions and its high level of commitment to the mission and goals of the school.

The agreement was signed by the Academic Director of the School of Sommeliers, Felipe Pizarro, and Marketing Manager of Vine Bisquertt Bisquertt Carolina, who agreed that these initiatives are very positive, because they provide the opportunity to enhance and encourage students in their development, both personally and professionally and to encourage the incorporation of new talent into the industry.
The scholarship considers the payment of tuition and of course "Technical Tools for the Professional Sommelier", respective Level 3. Students will be selected by a jury comprising representatives of Vine Bisquertt and Sommelier School, who will consider both their academic and professional performance. The student awarded this prize will also have the opportunity to do an internship in Viña Bisquertt, Department of Enology of the vineyard, supporting the area of \u200b\u200bgastronomy and tourism.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cat Small White Flecks





The KI KIM DAKURA resort will be located in the South Atlantic Autonomous Region of Nicaragua in the south east Long Bay the Caribbean island of Great Corn Island.
The type of complex is listed as a cultural eco-tourist resort on the beach, this is determined by the natural wealth that Corn Island has its beautiful landscape and rich culture that exists thanks to its people and traditions.

The complex will house 100 people equivalent to 22 bungalows spread throughout the complex.
The resort features environments that promote cultural and recreational activities for visitors.

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